Monday, May 2, 2011

Trying to take Credit

  • First thing, Obama should get very little credit for the death of Osama Bin Ladin. It was him who gave the go ahead, but there is other credit to be given. 
  • Second, I LOVE how people are all proud to be an american when stuff like this happens. Where were all these people before? People are TOTAL bandwagon americans. It pisses me off so much. 
Now that those thing are off my chest, I can talk about how shitty it is to be an A1C. I was told to clean the bathroom today- because I'm the lowest ranking person. There was NO way that I could do it- we were minimally manned. Also- I totally sucked ass at work today. I am such an idiot. 

I really wish I could still tan,  I don't want to be pale again. I mean- I guess being pale is better than getting cancer. It just seems like I'm quitting all these things at once. I quit smoking, I am trying to not drink pop, and now no tanning?! Uhh. I've also been trying to walk more- I've just been doing really bad at that lately.  

I need to find something to be addicted to.. hmm. 

I used to keep this juice in stock, I've been slacking on that and not drinking it. I think I'll try and keep juice like this in my fridge

How cute?

She's a navy controller, but either way. Love this. 

It's 5 o'clock, and the National Anthem is playing. I love when that happens. Win.

This is slightly creepy, but I love me some tattoos. 

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