Friday, May 13, 2011


I saw Bridesmaids, all by my self. First time I've gone to the movies alone. It was nice, I think I'm going to go to the movies more often. It's sort of depressing, I realized I'm basically living a single life. I'm all alone- and it's really a sad sort of way to go about living. I mean, I'm not unhappy.. and I'm happy with where my relationship is. It's just sort of sad having to go to the movies alone.. Regardless! The movie was AWESOME!! I loved it, it was really long.. but didn't seem that way. Very good movie. 

I love the peanuts. I have to work a day shift tomorrow :s Not looking forward to it. I just wish I could have a normal job.. I was jealous of the people walking into the movie theater for their shift. I KNOW that job is shitty- but.. I just have a craving to be like a normal person. I know I'll regret that later when I have a real regular job. 

Until then. 

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