Monday, May 16, 2011


I don't know why I feel like ass today, but I was just down today. DOWN! I'm just having a rough time these days. I went to Kroger after my swing shift, I was in uniform- people stare at me! I don't know why! I don't understand, it's like I'm wearing a giant target on my forehead that makes them stare. I just don't get it, it upsets me a little. 

My foot hurts really bad, I don't know why. I really need to go to the doctor. A few months ago I dropped my computer on it, and it STILL hurts from that. I'll make an appointment soon. 

I had something else I wanted to write about, but I don't know what it was. I'm exhausted right now, I really should sleep- I'm just.. blah. 

I've been eating A LOT of fruit lately. I've literally eaten a carton of strawberries a day, and a pineapple over a couple of days. I feel less bloated because I'm eating less salt. I've also been eating these lean cuisine pasta steam bag things. So.. I've basically been eating healthier just because it tastes good. I haven't noticed a big difference I still feel fat. OH! I've also been drinking a lot less pop. I've quit smoking for the most part as well. All I need to do is start working out more.. and drinking a butt-load more water and I'll be well on my way to being healthy.. which is awesome. So.. yeah I'm doing pretty ok right now. I want to be skinnier. I mean- I'm not fat, but I want the fat on my stomach gone. I don't mind having huge legs.. because I've always had thunder-thighs.. I just want to lose the layer of fat.. you know.. The spare tire.

I'll work on it.

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