Thursday, May 12, 2011


1225- 12 May 2011

I'm sitting in a launderomat. Doing my laundry because the washers on base are awful. There is just stagnant water sitting in 4 out of the 5 washers. So.. I have to pay at least $10 to do my laundry. How messed up is that. There is a small girl here with her mom, she's dancing around in a little sun dress, and keeps coming close to me and just staring at me. She's pretty cute, she walks around on her tippy toes haha.. she's slightly distracting. 

I can't believe it's already the middle of May, it will be june before you know it. It's already hot as hell outside. It's like we didn't have any spring it went straight from winter to summer. I hate that about Ohio.. It's the worst.

I love how little kids try and get your attention. They like wait to do something until you are looking... it's strange. 

I totally talked to this little girls mom the last time I was here- she was one of those people who talk to you until you are literally walking out the door. Thats just awkward. 

I've quit smoking for the most part over the last month and a half. I don't know why but I really want to start again. It might be because I'm wound up so tight. That's a piss poor excuse to want to start smoking. There is a guy standing just outside the building smoking, I feel like asking him for a cigarette. I definetly wont though, he looks shady. There was another guy here wearing a "Cafe" apron, I'm assuming he works around here. I don't know where there is a cafe though, so it's sort of random.

The last time I was here I was watching "Pushing Tin." I brought my computer with the intent of watching that again, but I forgot that I had taken it out of my computer. It's almost always in my computer. 

Whatever, I guess I better go I'm hoping this laundry gets done soon. Considering I have to take someone to work in an hour and fifteen. 


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