Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good choice.

I hung out with some people I work with last night, it actually turned out to be a decent night. I really don't hang out with people too often, solely for the reason that I don't like groups of people. HOWEVER. I enjoy being around my co-workers because I share something in common with them, and when they make jokes most of the time I understand. It's good stuff, anyways. I actually think I made friends, one guy I work with.. his wife reminds me of me- which is awesome. Her name happens to be Amanda, which makes it awesome. I'd like to hang out with them again. For sure.

I got my nails done yesterday- it's so nice to have shorter nails again, they were SO long I could barely type. I'm good now though. They took like a whole inch off of them haha. I really needed to get them done. They are so expensive though, that is one of two things that I don't really mind spending money on. The other one is my hair- for obvious reasons. 

I think I'm going to buy new sheets and a new blanket for my bed, the blanket I have doesn't fit my bed. It also sheds which is really annoying, It's ALL OVER my sheets. 

I have a new love for zebra. I want to redo my room in it.. however- I think i'll wait until I get my own place.

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