Friday, April 29, 2011

Good quote from my new favorite movie: Pushing Tin

"You land a million planes safely,
Then you have one little mid-air
and you never hear the end of it."
-Air Traffic Controller New York TRACON
Westbury, LI

This quote makes me think of all the buzz about ATC these days, with the sleeping and the go-around of the President's wife. No one realizes what air traffic controllers do on a regular basis. There are close  calls, every day. You don't hear about those- you only hear about the bad. People just don't understand. Hell I don't think I understand. I've been a controller for well under a year, and I'm only experienced in a low traffic tower. I know that people in the big RAPCON/TRACON's and the BUSY towers.. they keep hundreds of thousands of people safe EVERY SINGLE day.

I don't like hearing all the negative about ATC. People just have no idea.

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