Sunday, April 24, 2011


I find it hard to write on here because I feel like I can't be 100% honest on here. I have to mask some of my thoughts and feelings because someone could ACTUALLY read this. That's why I always liked having a secret blog so I could treat it more like a journal that no one I knew would read.. and even if they did.. they wouldn't necessarily know it was me.

Anywho- It's easter.  I didn't go to church.. instead I'm watching Elton John on Saturday Night Live - via my computer. It's pretty exciting. It's nice being close to home I get to come home for holidays.

I can't wait for the beginning of June: Just throwing that out there.

My buddy Nick told me about this web site

Hilarious comics about pilots. I love it..

This is just aircraft, but HILARIOUS.

I just love this one. :)

Some of them are just Air Force in general- they are fantastic. Most of them are based on pilots. 

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