Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Does anyone read this??

I feel like this might be a waste of time writing in. I do enjoy writing though.. so I think I'll keep it up. I've been sitting here for 28 min, but it feels like I've been sitting here for ages. I don't know why.

I've been trying to drink more water, and cut down on pop. It's not working- Ive drank a little more water.. but it just makes it's irritating when I have to piss every 5 min. I just randomly saw a picture of people for my High-school.. standing at parade rest, and the caption read "..who will be in the military" I feel like that's sort of a stretch. You have no idea what will go on and how things will change. Especially the ROTC wannabees.

It's whatever. There might be a tornado tonight.

There is a man in my bathroom.. not ok.

I don't remember the real reason that I came here to write. Probably something about how it sucks being an A1C in air force..

it totally does.

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