Monday, April 11, 2011


Apparently the world will end if I'm not negative and angry... I'm not sure where people get the idea that I'm the super negative angry person. Just because I speak out loud- and don't hold everything in doesn't mean I'm negative and angry. I've never been able to get away from that persona that has been created. I've literally been stuck with it since I can remember.. I don't know how to get rid of it.

Even if I meet new people- the social networking and communication we have.. links that person to other people I know and they some how also conclude that I'm angry and negative.

People just don't get my humor, or sarcasm.. or anything. Maybe I am negative, maybe I am angry.. but that doesn't make me incapable of having friends, or holding conversation. It doesn't make me any less capable then a fake-ass happy person.

People need to stop judging me and let me be.

I need to get away from these people and start over.

I want to go there, and sit in that chair.. and just.. be content and happy. 

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