Monday, May 30, 2011


I laid out in the sun today- it was awesome. I got a little color. I love being tan. I wish I was tan all the time.


My legs look fat, but at least I'm tan?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I've been on a shopping spree. Look how cute I look!!

I didn't buy the first pair of shoes, I just bought the second. I wanted the first ones tho. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I just need to get this out:


Ok. I just needed to do that. Now I'm going to go think about rainbows. 


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Uhh. Dayz Off.

I'm bored, I'm so bored. ALL THE TIME! OH MY! I don't even know what to do. I should work out.. or maybe go tan? I need to do something. I got my banking and everything worked out.. so that's exciting. I'm just so- very.. bored.

haha <3

This is how I do it mannn. 

Good times. I've been in a weird place lately. I don't know whats been up. I'm just trying to figure my life now right now.

Also. I can't find my Pushing Tin DVD. I really want it. NOW.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I got off work early, I'm so bored. I have nothing to do. This is what I get for having no friends. I literally have nothing to do. I' guess I'll just sit here and wait for an appropriate time to go to sleep.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

If I were a...

If I were a month, I would be November
If I were a day of the week, I would be Thrusday
If I were a time of the day, I would be 1400 
If I were a planet, I would be Earth
If I were a sea animal, I would be Angel Fish zDuh
If I were a direction, I would be North.
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a bed
If I were a liquid, I would be pepsi
If I were a gemstone, I would be a DIAMOND 
If I were a tree, I would be an Oak
If I were a tool, I would be a hammer
If I were a flower, I would be a Rose  
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a thunder storm
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a Piano- or a trombone. 
If I were a color, I would be pink
If I were an emotion, I would be anger
If I were a fruit, I would be a pineapple 
If I were a sound, I would be swing music 
If I were an element, I would be rock (is that an element) 
If I were a car, I would be a chevy cobalt. zduh
If I were a food, I would be bread. 
If I were a place, I would be somewhere fancy 
If I were a material, I would be something soft yet rough
If I were a taste, I would be sour then sweet. 
If I were a scent, I would be .. i dunno 
If I were an animal, I would be a panda 
If I were an object, I would be a TV
If I were a body part, I would be the eyes. 
If I were a facial expression, I would be an angry something. 
If I were a pair of shoes, I would be TOMS! zDUH!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I'm so frustrated right now, with everything.  I don't even know what to say. I'm just so- frustrated.

Maybe I need more of this?

aww yeah. 

I want some eggs. 

 I love them.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Betty White

Betty White is so sweet. 
Look at her.. 

She's on "My Wife and Kids" right now, It's fantastic. She's awesome. haha. 

Today is my boyfriend's birthday. I'm sad I can't be with him on his birthday. He'll be home in 2.5 days. I CAN'T STAND THE DIXIE ULTRA COMMERCIAL AND IT'S SONG OMG. NO. NO! i hate it. omg it's so awful. 

So there are these shoes I want, I don't really have the money for it. I think I might buy them anyways. I just am afraid I'll buy them and then not wear them. It's a real dilemma. I want to stop being so cheap and just buy what I want to buy now.. because eventually I'll have a family and have to save. My question is when do I start saving? It seems like I should start saving now. 

I really need to go open another account and set up an allotment. Uhh! Whatever. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


I don't know why I feel like ass today, but I was just down today. DOWN! I'm just having a rough time these days. I went to Kroger after my swing shift, I was in uniform- people stare at me! I don't know why! I don't understand, it's like I'm wearing a giant target on my forehead that makes them stare. I just don't get it, it upsets me a little. 

My foot hurts really bad, I don't know why. I really need to go to the doctor. A few months ago I dropped my computer on it, and it STILL hurts from that. I'll make an appointment soon. 

I had something else I wanted to write about, but I don't know what it was. I'm exhausted right now, I really should sleep- I'm just.. blah. 

I've been eating A LOT of fruit lately. I've literally eaten a carton of strawberries a day, and a pineapple over a couple of days. I feel less bloated because I'm eating less salt. I've also been eating these lean cuisine pasta steam bag things. So.. I've basically been eating healthier just because it tastes good. I haven't noticed a big difference I still feel fat. OH! I've also been drinking a lot less pop. I've quit smoking for the most part as well. All I need to do is start working out more.. and drinking a butt-load more water and I'll be well on my way to being healthy.. which is awesome. So.. yeah I'm doing pretty ok right now. I want to be skinnier. I mean- I'm not fat, but I want the fat on my stomach gone. I don't mind having huge legs.. because I've always had thunder-thighs.. I just want to lose the layer of fat.. you know.. The spare tire.

I'll work on it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I just watched "The Other Boyeln Girl" OH MY GOD. That movie is fucked up. I totally forgot a bunch of parts. Like when the King RAPES Anne Boyeln. What is that about? That's totally disgust. I don't even know how it happened. Their dresses were HUGE. He got it out and in there really quick (wow my b, that was a little.. uncalled for.) Anyways, I worked a day shift today. I'm exhausted. I couldn't sleep last night, it was awful. 

Ahh. Shall we?

I'm in L0VE with this show, I'm watching it right now.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I saw Bridesmaids, all by my self. First time I've gone to the movies alone. It was nice, I think I'm going to go to the movies more often. It's sort of depressing, I realized I'm basically living a single life. I'm all alone- and it's really a sad sort of way to go about living. I mean, I'm not unhappy.. and I'm happy with where my relationship is. It's just sort of sad having to go to the movies alone.. Regardless! The movie was AWESOME!! I loved it, it was really long.. but didn't seem that way. Very good movie. 

I love the peanuts. I have to work a day shift tomorrow :s Not looking forward to it. I just wish I could have a normal job.. I was jealous of the people walking into the movie theater for their shift. I KNOW that job is shitty- but.. I just have a craving to be like a normal person. I know I'll regret that later when I have a real regular job. 

Until then. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011


1225- 12 May 2011

I'm sitting in a launderomat. Doing my laundry because the washers on base are awful. There is just stagnant water sitting in 4 out of the 5 washers. So.. I have to pay at least $10 to do my laundry. How messed up is that. There is a small girl here with her mom, she's dancing around in a little sun dress, and keeps coming close to me and just staring at me. She's pretty cute, she walks around on her tippy toes haha.. she's slightly distracting. 

I can't believe it's already the middle of May, it will be june before you know it. It's already hot as hell outside. It's like we didn't have any spring it went straight from winter to summer. I hate that about Ohio.. It's the worst.

I love how little kids try and get your attention. They like wait to do something until you are looking... it's strange. 

I totally talked to this little girls mom the last time I was here- she was one of those people who talk to you until you are literally walking out the door. Thats just awkward. 

I've quit smoking for the most part over the last month and a half. I don't know why but I really want to start again. It might be because I'm wound up so tight. That's a piss poor excuse to want to start smoking. There is a guy standing just outside the building smoking, I feel like asking him for a cigarette. I definetly wont though, he looks shady. There was another guy here wearing a "Cafe" apron, I'm assuming he works around here. I don't know where there is a cafe though, so it's sort of random.

The last time I was here I was watching "Pushing Tin." I brought my computer with the intent of watching that again, but I forgot that I had taken it out of my computer. It's almost always in my computer. 

Whatever, I guess I better go I'm hoping this laundry gets done soon. Considering I have to take someone to work in an hour and fifteen. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Love Love Love

I just got excited to go to work. I don't know why... It's just been a weird day so far. I just am very strange right now. Also I'm watching "My Wife and Kids." I watch it every day I work a swing. It's weird. I just.. I'm weird right now.. 

I don't know.

Monday, May 9, 2011


So. I canceled my tanning package at LA Tan because I don't want to tan anymore. Well.. it's getting to be summer and I don't like to go outside.. I also don't like to be pale. SO. I went to just "pay as I go" well I think thats going to end up fucking me over..I just payed $65- does that make any sense. When I'm done with this.. I'm not tanning anymore. I really don't like it. It makes my freckles crazy CRAZY.

damn! why can't I just be ok with who I am.


I want one of theses.. I need one. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I want a pop

I want a pop so bad right now, but I can't bring myself to change my pants and go get one. I really don't need one anyways. I think I've gained weight in the last month since I quit smoking. I want a POP aghhh!

I'm watching Law and Order SVU. I'm addicted to these shows.

I wish I had more to write about. Lifes just so- blah right now.

I want to go back to florida. I also want to be tan, and skinny. I'm so.. ahghas;gja;slkjf!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I want a big purse.

I'm craving a big slouchy purse. I've never had one.. and I want one! NOW!

These are just websites I want to remember- I like these purses (I'll probably never buy them)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I hate feet, with a passion. I found these shoes at DSW- they are borns and they are FANTASTIC. Only $50, I'm totally buying them with my next check if they are still there. I'm on a shoe kick, I want to buy a bunch of shoes for summer. I wish I had more money. I hate being poor. I'd love to get a second job.. I just don't think it's possible.

You know, my legs don't look that fat. Nice.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I found these today:

I was walking through DSW, wearing my Toms- I saw these.. from afar I thought they were carrying Toms too- which would've been awesome. I was WRONG. They were sketchers rip off of them. Needless to say- I was appalled. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if they looked different, the fact that they are EXACTLY like Toms.. makes it almost.. insulting. I mean- the idea behind the whole idea of them is great.. but there was no creativity on sketchers part. ALSO they were only like a couple dollars less than Toms... I mean- why wouldn't you just buy Toms.. they are clearly better. In my opinion of course. I was reading about them online (I don't think sketchers sells them anymore, they aren't on their website..), when I was reading, I came across this:

"Skechers intends to donate not one but two pairs of shoes to needy children (through a charity called Soles4Souls) for each pair of $42 Bobs it sells, Clay says."

Umm. What is that about? Trying to one up Toms by giving more shoes. I don't know- I guess as a Toms owner, I just felt offended.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trying to take Credit

  • First thing, Obama should get very little credit for the death of Osama Bin Ladin. It was him who gave the go ahead, but there is other credit to be given. 
  • Second, I LOVE how people are all proud to be an american when stuff like this happens. Where were all these people before? People are TOTAL bandwagon americans. It pisses me off so much. 
Now that those thing are off my chest, I can talk about how shitty it is to be an A1C. I was told to clean the bathroom today- because I'm the lowest ranking person. There was NO way that I could do it- we were minimally manned. Also- I totally sucked ass at work today. I am such an idiot. 

I really wish I could still tan,  I don't want to be pale again. I mean- I guess being pale is better than getting cancer. It just seems like I'm quitting all these things at once. I quit smoking, I am trying to not drink pop, and now no tanning?! Uhh. I've also been trying to walk more- I've just been doing really bad at that lately.  

I need to find something to be addicted to.. hmm. 

I used to keep this juice in stock, I've been slacking on that and not drinking it. I think I'll try and keep juice like this in my fridge

How cute?

She's a navy controller, but either way. Love this. 

It's 5 o'clock, and the National Anthem is playing. I love when that happens. Win.

This is slightly creepy, but I love me some tattoos.