Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good choice.

I hung out with some people I work with last night, it actually turned out to be a decent night. I really don't hang out with people too often, solely for the reason that I don't like groups of people. HOWEVER. I enjoy being around my co-workers because I share something in common with them, and when they make jokes most of the time I understand. It's good stuff, anyways. I actually think I made friends, one guy I work with.. his wife reminds me of me- which is awesome. Her name happens to be Amanda, which makes it awesome. I'd like to hang out with them again. For sure.

I got my nails done yesterday- it's so nice to have shorter nails again, they were SO long I could barely type. I'm good now though. They took like a whole inch off of them haha. I really needed to get them done. They are so expensive though, that is one of two things that I don't really mind spending money on. The other one is my hair- for obvious reasons. 

I think I'm going to buy new sheets and a new blanket for my bed, the blanket I have doesn't fit my bed. It also sheds which is really annoying, It's ALL OVER my sheets. 

I have a new love for zebra. I want to redo my room in it.. however- I think i'll wait until I get my own place.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Good quote from my new favorite movie: Pushing Tin

"You land a million planes safely,
Then you have one little mid-air
and you never hear the end of it."
-Air Traffic Controller New York TRACON
Westbury, LI

This quote makes me think of all the buzz about ATC these days, with the sleeping and the go-around of the President's wife. No one realizes what air traffic controllers do on a regular basis. There are close  calls, every day. You don't hear about those- you only hear about the bad. People just don't understand. Hell I don't think I understand. I've been a controller for well under a year, and I'm only experienced in a low traffic tower. I know that people in the big RAPCON/TRACON's and the BUSY towers.. they keep hundreds of thousands of people safe EVERY SINGLE day.

I don't like hearing all the negative about ATC. People just have no idea.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Does anyone read this??

I feel like this might be a waste of time writing in. I do enjoy writing though.. so I think I'll keep it up. I've been sitting here for 28 min, but it feels like I've been sitting here for ages. I don't know why.

I've been trying to drink more water, and cut down on pop. It's not working- Ive drank a little more water.. but it just makes it's irritating when I have to piss every 5 min. I just randomly saw a picture of people for my High-school.. standing at parade rest, and the caption read "..who will be in the military" I feel like that's sort of a stretch. You have no idea what will go on and how things will change. Especially the ROTC wannabees.

It's whatever. There might be a tornado tonight.

There is a man in my bathroom.. not ok.

I don't remember the real reason that I came here to write. Probably something about how it sucks being an A1C in air force..

it totally does.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Totally wearing TOMS

I'm totally wearing TOMS when I get married. As my wedding shoe. I can't wait for that day.. just so I can wear them.

I love them.. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I find it hard to write on here because I feel like I can't be 100% honest on here. I have to mask some of my thoughts and feelings because someone could ACTUALLY read this. That's why I always liked having a secret blog so I could treat it more like a journal that no one I knew would read.. and even if they did.. they wouldn't necessarily know it was me.

Anywho- It's easter.  I didn't go to church.. instead I'm watching Elton John on Saturday Night Live - via my computer. It's pretty exciting. It's nice being close to home I get to come home for holidays.

I can't wait for the beginning of June: Just throwing that out there.

My buddy Nick told me about this web site

Hilarious comics about pilots. I love it..

This is just aircraft, but HILARIOUS.

I just love this one. :)

Some of them are just Air Force in general- they are fantastic. Most of them are based on pilots. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Agh Pizza

I just ordered Pizza.

I have no money, and its way to late to be eating.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loud Music

My neighbor is playing super loud music.. it makes me want to punch things. For reals.

I love my job today! it is just so awesome when there is traffic. I think I need to go to another base.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Real Wives of Orange County

Or what ever it's called. It's making me think.. It's strange.. I don't know.. Ugh!

Today is my Friday.. but I only have one day off because I have "War-Fighter Training" Sometimes I can't get over the stupid stuff we have to do @ this place. It's also a nice day today, which means people will be flying.

I need to go to LA tan to cancel my tanning package.

I also think I'm going to buy a new cell phone, so I can cut the cost of my bill. I don't know.. we'll see.

I found this article, I really liked it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

This is why I'm a bad airman

  • I text whilst at PT
  • Apparently I was in EDIT training at some point (I definitely wasn't)
  • I'm not confident enough
    Good stuff. Only 4.5 years to go!

    Maybe I should go to church. 

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    11 Years.. yesterday.

    My father was gone 11 years yesterday. I drove to Marysville to visit his grave. Very depressing. I wrote him a letter and left it there. It was depressing.

    Today is my sunday, I have to go to work tomorrow. I might go get another tattoo today, another white one.  I haven't decided yet. I need to go walking as well. I think I'll wait a little bit.. hopefully it will get slightly warmer. Plus- my work out clothes are in the laundry. I can't wait to get paid, I hate having no money. I need to buy something for above my TV.. I moved the plant that was up there over to my microwave and now it's just empty. No money = no things.

    I'm also watching CSI- I'm totally addicted to these shows.

    I've been thinking about buying a new phone off ebay. I like my iPhone but I'm so tired of it. I have a bad habit of buying a new phone every few months.. I just get bored.


    Uhh. I don't get to see my boyfriend for a month and a half. It's very upsetting- but I think we can handle it.

    Hmm. It's a beautiful day outside..

    The view from my window. 

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Not so NEGATIVE

    Apparently the world will end if I'm not negative and angry... I'm not sure where people get the idea that I'm the super negative angry person. Just because I speak out loud- and don't hold everything in doesn't mean I'm negative and angry. I've never been able to get away from that persona that has been created. I've literally been stuck with it since I can remember.. I don't know how to get rid of it.

    Even if I meet new people- the social networking and communication we have.. links that person to other people I know and they some how also conclude that I'm angry and negative.

    People just don't get my humor, or sarcasm.. or anything. Maybe I am negative, maybe I am angry.. but that doesn't make me incapable of having friends, or holding conversation. It doesn't make me any less capable then a fake-ass happy person.

    People need to stop judging me and let me be.

    I need to get away from these people and start over.

    I want to go there, and sit in that chair.. and just.. be content and happy. 

    Sunday, April 10, 2011


    I want to smoke, the craving right now is REALLY bad. Not ok, this quitting shit is for the birds. Lame.

    Also as a quick side note, I want to make babies in Ohio.. and then dress them in this. A bit creepy? my b.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Half pay?

    The government is shutting down and I'm only getting paid half a pay check.

    fuck that.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011


    I'm in the Pensacola airport.. leaving Florida. Very good trip.. I had to hold tears back as I said goodbye. I HATE saying goodbye. I wish I wasn't in the air force so I could just stay here until I wanted to go home. I literally- can not stand goodbyes. I feel like I've said too many of them during my short 20 years. Regardless.. Very good trip. Florida was beautiful.. I'm sad to be going back to OH.

    mehh. Ohio sucks.