Saturday, July 30, 2011

I have a feeling

I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of weird stuff alone this year. I'm listening to Christmas music and it's depressing me because that part of the year is my favorite part because of my family.. and they moved away.

I have weird things that I want to do because it reminds me of "home" - the home that doesn't exist anymore. Like, i want to go see the lights at the columbus zoo.. but I'm going to have to do that alone. Which is beyond depressing- but I have a feeling I will drive all the way over there on one of my days off and walk around the zoo alone. I just hate feeling like I have no home. It will suck so bad when the holidays come around I have people here that I could spend it with- but that doesn't matter it wont be the same and no matter what it wont feel like Christmas to me.

Well- I'm going to go be depressed now, I just wanted to document my annoying-sadness.

my watch supervisor made this hahahahaha he always says "You are an angry b today" because i see "b" instead of bitch and bad. HILARIOUS. I love it.

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