Saturday, July 30, 2011

I have a feeling

I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of weird stuff alone this year. I'm listening to Christmas music and it's depressing me because that part of the year is my favorite part because of my family.. and they moved away.

I have weird things that I want to do because it reminds me of "home" - the home that doesn't exist anymore. Like, i want to go see the lights at the columbus zoo.. but I'm going to have to do that alone. Which is beyond depressing- but I have a feeling I will drive all the way over there on one of my days off and walk around the zoo alone. I just hate feeling like I have no home. It will suck so bad when the holidays come around I have people here that I could spend it with- but that doesn't matter it wont be the same and no matter what it wont feel like Christmas to me.

Well- I'm going to go be depressed now, I just wanted to document my annoying-sadness.

my watch supervisor made this hahahahaha he always says "You are an angry b today" because i see "b" instead of bitch and bad. HILARIOUS. I love it.

Friday, July 22, 2011


94.5 in Dayton is playing Christmas music- I'm literally freaking out. I can't fucking wait until winter time, and christmas. I'm so happy right now. It's ridiculous.


On a side note, I came across a blog post on xanga, which was about proposals, This picture was in the blog:

This picture is from Michael Buble's wedding- Really? Who has that job? I want to be the lady in the middle of a table with cupcakes.

Either way, I thought that was a great way to propose to someone.. I don't know if I'd respond well to it hahaha but seeing it is cool. 


This might be the coolest picture I've ever seen.

I love patriotic awesome pictures such as this. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don't Blink

I'm listening to "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney. I just feel like this song is really true. Life goes so freakishly fast. I'm always wanting life to move faster, wanting to get married.. have a family.. or whatever. There is no point in rushing the moments that are happening right now. I have to try and slow down and enjoy where I'm at in life. I realize that my life isn't perfect right now, but it's pretty damn good. I have good friends (at least some), I'm young, I have a steady job.. I'm doing something with my life. I have a relationship.. and even though it's not perfect because he's not here. It's still something with potential for a future.

The song says, Don't Blink.. Life goes faster than you think. It's SO true. I'm turning 21 on monday. I know that is still young, but it feels like I was just a kid.. and all of a sudden I'm 21 with a full time job in the military. It's just ridiculous. I think I want life to slow down a little bit. I'm always afraid that I'll look back on my life and regret how I went through it. It just doesn't dawn on me that everyday I'm living my life. This isn't high school- what happens today matters for my life.

Uh. I wish it wasn't so hot out. I want to run.. well I don't want to. I NEED to.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm slacking.

I never write anymore. I just have nothing to say my life is so.. the same all the time. I'm going to Alabama/Arkansas in 2 months. That is SO FAR AWAY. I am getting so sick of being a one, even though I'm part of a two. It's such a bitch sometimes. Like, when other people are out doing couple things.. but I am alone because my other is in a different state.

I'm lonely.

Friday, July 8, 2011

i made a mile!

Doesn't sound that great- but Holy hell! That is a huge accomplishment for me.. I haven't ran a full mile without stopping since basic training.  .. Yeah I've been a fat slacker.

I think I may have became a runner.

these shoes are a miracle worker.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


My vibram's are in the washer, I hope the get clean.

I'm bored- my life is boring.. I need a hobby... AGH.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Jacket or Not

I can't decide if I want to wear a jacket or not, I'm going to a rehearsal dinner... I literally don't know if I should wear the jacket or not! I want to. I don't know. DAMN.