Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I've been searching around running blogs to learn more about my new shoes.. I found this...

"Normally, when I run, my body parts sort of engage in a conversation amongst themselves. It goes something like this:
Brain: This is boring.
Heart: Why are we doing this again? I don’t like this.
Legs: Hey, it’s not so bad! Look sharp, Heart! Here comes a hill!
Heart: [GROAN] I hate hills.
Brain: You know what would be better than running? Shopping. In front of a computer.
Heart: Seriously? Really? You’re actually going to run up this hill?
Legs: Quit complaining! This is our chance to shine!
Feet: Wheee! Jumped over a puddle!
Brain: Oh, great, that stupid Lady Gaga song AGAIN. Does my iPod think that I am gay? This is the dullest thing we have EVER done.
Lungs: Holy hell, what is going on around here? Why is she doing this? I’m going to start wheezing.
Brain: YES. Do that, please. I can’t take the tedium.
Bladder: I’m full.
Yesterday, however, the tables were turned. I took my Vibram Five Finger shoes out for my first real RUN, and my internal bodily conversation went something like this.
Brain: Wow, this is really awesome. I am having fun. What is this feeling? Is that Lady Gaga on the iPod? I love Lady Gaga!
Heart: Ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump, yippeeeeeeeee!
Lungs: Hey, this ain’t so bad. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I might be getting the hang of this shit!
Feet: These new Vibram Five Fingers are pretty sweet.
Brain: Now it’s Cher on the iPod! My MP3 player thinks that I am a gay man, and I am so cool with that!
Heart: Is that a hill? Let’s tackle it!
Legs: Ouch.
Brain: What’s that?
Legs: We said ouch. We hurt.
Heart: Was that… was that Legs?
Brain: I think so. Legs, what the hell?
Legs: Pain. Lots of pain. Sending the signal up to you now, Brain.
Brain: What the- oh, damn, that DOES hurt. What’s going on down there, fellas?
Legs: The Vibrams, they make our calves hurt a bit.
Brain: Do you think you can manage to run a while longer? I’m getting some serious endorphins right now, and I’d like to see where we can take this.
Legs: No.
Brain: What the hell do you mean, “No”? I’m in control here, anyway, so shut the hell up and keep going.
[five minutes pass]
Brain: Yeow! WHAT WAS THAT?
Legs: Oh, did you like that? That was a cramp. We’ve got some more of those coming, so be ready.
Heart: I could do this all day.
Brain: The Legs are picketing.
Heart: I’ve got rhythm! I’ve got music! I’ve got my gal, who could ask for-
Brain: Heart, Lungs, Feet… uh, Bladder?
Bladder: I’m good.
Brain: Well, Legs are throwing in the towel.
Bladder: Aren’t they usually the happiest of us all?
Brain: Yes, but I guess Feet’s new shoes are causing some problems.
Feet: Don’t blame ME. You bought the Vibrams, Brain.
Brain: Sure, yeah. OK. My bad. I guess we are supposed to start slower than this with the barefoot running thingie. So, care to head back?
Legs: Back? No, we’re going to stop here.
Brain: It’s 8:45PM in the middle of a 230 acre park. No, we are not stopping. We are going back to the car and heading home.
Legs: Fine, but we’re going to make you miserable the whole way back, and tomorrow. Don’t even THINK of wearing those purple high heels to work in the morning.
Brain: Tomorrow is casual day, so shut it. It’s brown ankel boots on Tuesday, everybody knows this."

I really thought the beginning was hilarious. 

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