Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lion King

I saw The Lion King broadway musical yesterday . .. . it was FANTASTIC. Plus I wore my new jacket and I looked supa fly.

Right? I know..

Josh comes home in a couple days. Should be good. I don't have much to say. 

Friday, June 24, 2011


I had to rent a storage unit today.. lameeeeee! Stupid family moving to Alabama. In the mean time- there is an NCIS marathon on today- woo hoo!!

Alsoo- I have a serious spending issues haha. I've bout the piano, dress shoes, vibrams, and this FANCY new jacket.

Ignore my face, and fat legs and focus on the AWESOME!  JACKET! I'm so excited about it, It's from express. I was with my mom yesterday at Easton  looking for something to wear to this wedding I have to go to. My initial thought was wearing it to the rehearsal dinner, but I'm totally wearing it to the wedding. I have these kick ass black pants that I LOVE! and my wonderful Boyfriend is going to buy me new pumps for my birthday. I'll be looking all fly and classy in my new grown-up suit. The under shirt that I'm wearing is also fancy. . . 

fancy right?!!?!?!?!!?!

I absolutely LOVE finding an outfit that when I put it on, I just know I HAVE to buy it. That's what happened when I put the jacket on. I'm very excited to wear it. 
I noticed today that on the cuffs when I roll the jacket up.. there appears to be make up, I hope I can get it off. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I just saw something that pissed me off a little, not the time or place to talk about it though. {sx}

Today is my Friday- thank the good lord. I don't have much to say.. I need something to bring me up though- I'm kind of on a down this morning.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I've been searching around running blogs to learn more about my new shoes.. I found this...

"Normally, when I run, my body parts sort of engage in a conversation amongst themselves. It goes something like this:
Brain: This is boring.
Heart: Why are we doing this again? I don’t like this.
Legs: Hey, it’s not so bad! Look sharp, Heart! Here comes a hill!
Heart: [GROAN] I hate hills.
Brain: You know what would be better than running? Shopping. In front of a computer.
Heart: Seriously? Really? You’re actually going to run up this hill?
Legs: Quit complaining! This is our chance to shine!
Feet: Wheee! Jumped over a puddle!
Brain: Oh, great, that stupid Lady Gaga song AGAIN. Does my iPod think that I am gay? This is the dullest thing we have EVER done.
Lungs: Holy hell, what is going on around here? Why is she doing this? I’m going to start wheezing.
Brain: YES. Do that, please. I can’t take the tedium.
Bladder: I’m full.
Yesterday, however, the tables were turned. I took my Vibram Five Finger shoes out for my first real RUN, and my internal bodily conversation went something like this.
Brain: Wow, this is really awesome. I am having fun. What is this feeling? Is that Lady Gaga on the iPod? I love Lady Gaga!
Heart: Ka-thump, ka-thump, ka-thump, yippeeeeeeeee!
Lungs: Hey, this ain’t so bad. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. I might be getting the hang of this shit!
Feet: These new Vibram Five Fingers are pretty sweet.
Brain: Now it’s Cher on the iPod! My MP3 player thinks that I am a gay man, and I am so cool with that!
Heart: Is that a hill? Let’s tackle it!
Legs: Ouch.
Brain: What’s that?
Legs: We said ouch. We hurt.
Heart: Was that… was that Legs?
Brain: I think so. Legs, what the hell?
Legs: Pain. Lots of pain. Sending the signal up to you now, Brain.
Brain: What the- oh, damn, that DOES hurt. What’s going on down there, fellas?
Legs: The Vibrams, they make our calves hurt a bit.
Brain: Do you think you can manage to run a while longer? I’m getting some serious endorphins right now, and I’d like to see where we can take this.
Legs: No.
Brain: What the hell do you mean, “No”? I’m in control here, anyway, so shut the hell up and keep going.
[five minutes pass]
Brain: Yeow! WHAT WAS THAT?
Legs: Oh, did you like that? That was a cramp. We’ve got some more of those coming, so be ready.
Heart: I could do this all day.
Brain: The Legs are picketing.
Heart: I’ve got rhythm! I’ve got music! I’ve got my gal, who could ask for-
Brain: Heart, Lungs, Feet… uh, Bladder?
Bladder: I’m good.
Brain: Well, Legs are throwing in the towel.
Bladder: Aren’t they usually the happiest of us all?
Brain: Yes, but I guess Feet’s new shoes are causing some problems.
Feet: Don’t blame ME. You bought the Vibrams, Brain.
Brain: Sure, yeah. OK. My bad. I guess we are supposed to start slower than this with the barefoot running thingie. So, care to head back?
Legs: Back? No, we’re going to stop here.
Brain: It’s 8:45PM in the middle of a 230 acre park. No, we are not stopping. We are going back to the car and heading home.
Legs: Fine, but we’re going to make you miserable the whole way back, and tomorrow. Don’t even THINK of wearing those purple high heels to work in the morning.
Brain: Tomorrow is casual day, so shut it. It’s brown ankel boots on Tuesday, everybody knows this."

I really thought the beginning was hilarious. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Loud Music

Funny, I typed Loud in my "title" box and it added "music" for me. I'm about to kill someone. Luckily it got better because they moved the music outside so it doesn't shake my walls anymore. My question is why does it have to be so FUCKING loud?!!?!?! IT'S RIGHT FUCKING THERE! HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR SHITTY FUCKING MUSIC!!! FUCKKKKK!!! I literally, can't take it. I am about to fucking throw a large cinder block at all of their heads. 

On a brighter note, I bought the Vibram Five Finger Shoes. They are hideous but FANTASTIC. I ran for the first time in them today- amazing. 

They are the same shoe's one of my brothers has hahaha. AWESOME!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


These are my tattoos in order from newest to oldest. Poor quality, but I love them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I wish

I wish I could go on an amazing adventure and see awesome things.. Instead I got myself stationed in Ohio where I've already lived, where there is nothing to discover. I just want to go somewhere so I can experience something new and exciting. 

This boring stuff just isn't cutting it.

I want this food right now.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I'm so bored all the time, I have to work a swing today- should be boring.. I'm hoping I don't have to work local. I need some serious ground proficiency time. I got a ridiculous amount of local last month, and like 8 hours in ground. Not ok.

I have the "racks on racks" song stuck in my head. It's awful. 

Oh, I'm trying to learn "A Whole New World" on the Piano. I'm sucking ass on it. I also have two huge boxes in my room from my piano and I don't know where to put them. ANNOYING.

When Josh was here we went putt-putting. It was hot as hell, but pretty fun. 

failed attempt at the tourist pose. 

I think he comes back in 15 days.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Digital Keyboard

I spent $400 on a digital keyboard. I'm so excited about it.

This might be my greatest purchase EVER. It's 88-keys, and weighed. I am so glad I wasn't cheap and bought it for myself. 


Sunday, June 5, 2011

I have been slacking

I need to get another tattoo... I really wish I could get my bird redone, I might go in and ask them if they can make it not look like ass

Josh is in town- I have to go to work- GAY

Thursday, June 2, 2011


According to the lady at the commissary, I have a beautiful tan. I think that's a win.

My eye's are so itchy. I need eye drops.