Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


My life feels out of control, and it's not even close. I'm really down and depress right now. It's really not ok, (TBII)

Anyways. My PT test is in a few days. I'm not looking forward to it, I need to run more. I know I can run 1.5 miles. . I just hate it, and my legs hurt.


I don't feel good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

I need to get my act straight.

I've had a rough few days, I'm so angry and irritated. There is loud music, I'm angry. I'm watching pushing tin though so.. thats ok I guess..

I'm just really down.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's funny..

As I begin to write this- there is loud music thumping away next door. It makes me crazy. CRAZY.

I'm also really anxious all the time.

I switched back to verizon today, AT&T can suck it. It cost me like 300 dollars, but what the hell ever.

I'm so tired right now.

so tired.

I'm currently watching NCIS, I love it. Today is my day off.. and I have nothing to do. I'm going to go vent on my secret blog, it will be awesome.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I think I'm ready to get OUT of Ohio. I think it might be sucking the life out of me.. I could be wrong- but something feels.. draining about being here. I've only been here just over a year and I'll probably be here for a few more years. What a downer.

I was woken up today by guys cutting down trees outside my room, at exactly 9 o'clock. I guess that's not super early.. It's just an annoying way to wake up. I feel really blah right now.

Oh- I also broke the screen on my phone. I need to get another one but I can't afford it. Iphones are like $750 dollars or something ridiculous like that.

I don't know what to do about it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In hate.

I'm in hate with my running ability. I really need to step that shit up considering my PT test is in 26ish days.  I'm honest to GOD worried about it. Though I am more prepared this time than last- and I hadn't ran at all last time. So.. I should be ok. I hope so.

I had a really good dinner consisting of, whole wheat pasta with olive oil, salad, and laughing cow cheese/crackers.



mmm cookie.