Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why am I so bad at this?

I am terrible at updating this thing. I don't know why, I honestly have a lot to say. Then again- I'm not sure I want the whole world reading (who am I kidding no one reads this.)

Anywho- My boyfriend just left to go home after 2.5 weeks of being here. I have to go back to being single. To be honest- It's getting old really fast. 

I got used to being a couple and not being a single. 


I'm also currently addicted to tiny towers, and instagram.

I have a ridiculous amount of pictures on my iPhone. The total comes to almost 700 pictures. That's asinine. 

Here are some pictures.

How cutee. 


December was a really good month. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

70th post

I just realized I had 69 posts, (giggity) haha! Anyways I'm waiting to bored my first plane to go to AL then I'll be going to LittleRock AR-Kansas.

It should be a good trip, I don't have to go to work for a while 2 WEEKS. That's INSANE, I've never been away from work that long.

I'm bored. I think we will start boarding within the next 20 min. I just want to get this shit over with.

This plane is a small, actually it's probably a large, but it's a RJ so a smaller airliner. The next plane I'm on is a B737 so that should be cool.

That's all for now. I'm spent.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I never write.

I'm watching NCIS so.. this will have to be short haha. I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS EPISODE AND IT'S GOOD.

So. I bought new vibram's They are thinner and more for everyday wear. Anyways, I ran in them today for the first time. It was AWESOME. I got blisters though which sucks.

I go on leave in 2 days. I'm so excited. Today is my sunday and tomorrow is my thursday. Sooo. I'm pretty happy right now.

My legs look huge and my feet look manly. Regardless they are awesome shoes.

I also bought this sweet thang,